Great musical project from Italy


EURO CHAMP France 2016
Artisti No Limits association and DEFOX RECORDS are proud to announce another Rock Music tribute to great sports event!
This operation it's an opportunity to combine the passion of football about the 2016 UEFA European Championship in France with the music, the Rock energy.
Hopefully the fun recalls good sportsmanship and fairplay.

The compilation with Rock bands called "EURO CHAMP France 2016" will be published in digital format in June 09.
Distribuited in all biggest worldwide music stores : iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Deezer, Google Music, Nokia, Emusic...

Artistic direction by Mirko DeFox, Artwork e photo by RRR Remi Real Rock.

Track List:
01. Horror disco shreed (Daniele Bat Maraspin) - Italia    
02. Down the vortex (Molten Trail) - Sweden/Lithuania      
03. After All (Lele Croce) - ITA                            
04. Blind's man aim (Carnival Sun) - Sweden                
05. Jane is insane (A.F.D.) - Russia                        
06. Lost It All (Breaking Chain) - United Kingdom          
07. Before the sunrise (Concordea) - Russia                 
08. Sorrow (Unhuman Nature) - Spain                        
09. I am the wild (Drawzznik) - Austria                    
10. Lone wolf (Livin Fire) - Poland                        
11. Time fails us (Nocturna A.D.) - Italia                 
12. Spirit of defiance (To What End) - United Kingdom      
13. Without An Illusion (Shivan) - Italia                 
14. Blind leader (Dimitry Pavlovsky Powersquad) - Ukraine  
15. Believe in omen (Awrizis) - Czech Republic     

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